Thursday, June 21, 2007

Mums the word!

My mum said the word 'JazakAllah' today! masha'Allah its the first time ive ever heard her say it. Was really sweet. I do love my mum. May Allah give me the ability to lower to my parents the wings of humilty and grant them mercy as they did bring me up when i was young. Ameen. But i feel too ashamed sometimes. Which makes me distance myself more. they make it so easy to blame them for things. Parents have this amazing ability to take on anything and to give their children everything and although sometimes they say what have you ever done for us....(at which point we switch off or start counting acts of goodness we think we've done). but they never mean it, they really dont expect us to give them anything, they just expect us to understand when we get kids of our own..........and apparently we do...........
No matter what, i am blessed. because Alhamdulillah, i have such great parents and sisters and a brother. and nieces and nephews and friends and............i could go on can't i?
Indeed which of Allahs favours can we deny...............

And Allah says
'...and if you try to count the blessings of Allah, never will you be able to count them...'
Surah Ibrahim.


Umm Maymoonah said...


Umm Zaidah Nusaybah said...

alhamdulilah i can finally leave a commemt....subhan Allah its so true how our parents say to us 'you'll understand when you become a mother' because i am a mother and i really do appreciate everything my mum has done for me.

Umm Zaidah Nusaybah said...
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Caged Bird said...

Assalaamu'alaikum Umm ZN
Whoohoo! You can post on my blog!! Alhamdulillah. Wonder why you couldn't before. anyway, insha'Allah i look forward to your input.
By the way im not very good at posting regularly cos half the time my net is down and the other half i just barely get the time!!
Chat you soon, insha'Allah.

Umm Zaidah Nusaybah said...

Wa alaikum assalam wa rahmatullah
i couldn't post before because i didn't have an account (i created one but forgot my password), alhamdulilah created another now....i'm not a regular internet user either