Sunday, April 22, 2007

Realities of the Heart

Realities of the Heart, is going to be kinda like a series of writings with......yes matters to do with that organ that pumps blood round our body. So yes its going to be be very factual and biological. So do sit with a medical book in your hand cos it may get very technical at times. Alternativley if it gets too difficult, have a Qur'an nearby, insha'Allah the references should be in there aswell...............
Well im no heart surgeon. All though you know i could easily be, i mean i did Science G.C.S.Es and 3 of my sisters did Biology A'Level so i could definetly got in there with the knowledge. but i decided to be nursery nurse instead, i found it more intellectually more stimulating. Come on a 3 year old can't make you look dumb right? Right.............
Anyway, im going to make an attempt to dissect the heart. Please if you're sqeamish, this is especially for you.............

Subtitled 'verily in the rememerance of Allah do hearts find rest...........'

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