Saturday, May 5, 2007

The Al Kauthar Experience

Well Alhamdulillah, i finally got to go to a course conducted by Al Kauthar. After hearing so much about it and even dreaming before going to a course, Allah decreed for me to go Alhamdulillah. I had hyped myself up for it and you know how you normally hype yourself for something, it just doesnt meet your expectation i.e marriage (ha, had to get that one in!), well this wasnt the case here. I loved it! masha'Allah! the course was Price of Salvation - all about zakat! And i was keen to go on this, ok so it maybe very technical and im so not good at numbers, but even so loved it. Because it made me realise how much i do not know! head down in shame and humble oneself. for me it was quite intellectually challenging, i say because of the maths, but other than that Alhamdulillah not too complicated. Even if i did confess to the shaykh and my fellow Al Kauthar students 'Im lost' and i think i kinda made a hand movement. NOTE - I DID NOT GIGGLE!!! as one of my over imaginative friend claims. There was nothing to giggle about, so why would i giggle???!! I may have had a jokey tone to my statement as i found it quite typicsal of myself to be confused and so i was bemused, but i repeat I DID NOT GIGGLE..........Will continue with this insha'Allah. i share a room, so have to respect my youngers while they kick me off the comp!! ay the youth these days.................


hema said...

"ay the youth these days"

you know you stated that you didn't giggle three times, and usually when people do that they are in denial!

Saabirah said...

You hit the nail on the head hema. "The lady doth protest too much"....