I saw something which made me smile inside yesterday and then think.....
I was coming out of SuperDrugs (Manchester, Piccadily), and there were two scally looking native girls outside, talking to themselves. One was wearing a bubblegum pink velvet Tracksuit and had a sideways pony and the other i think had a hairband in her hair. Hairband girl said to Tracksuit girl 'Go on give it.' Tracky said to to friend 'Should I?' Hairband said 'Yeh go on, just give him a light, help him. Aww look at him.....' So Tracky got her lighter out and gave it to a an old man sitting outside Superdrugs. He had a dishevelled appearance and looked like he had spent the night out there. He was trying to strike a match to light his cigarette without avail. When she reached out to him he gave a surprised appeciative look to her. And that's about all i caught of the little scenario as i passed by.
Consider this. This old man struck a cord in those two scally girls' hearts. He looked lonely and sad and they wanted to help him in any little way they could. Although helping him clog up his lungs is detrimental to his health, so in the long run it's not very helpful. Nevertheless their heart was in the right place, Now i don't have a very high opinion of scallies, be they Caucasian, Asian or African. I am not a fan of scallies. Period. But even they have hearts. Some of us muslims could take lesson from them and im not talking about their dress sense!
Unfortunately for non muslim do gooders, their work is of no worth in the Hereafter as Allah says 'Shall we inform you of the greatest losers as to their deeds? (They are) those whose effort is lost in wordly life, while they think that they are doing well in work.' (18: 103-104)
We need to be careful we don't fall into this category people, as muslims, because our deeds can be lost also through wrong intentions. We think we're doing so much good but then comes the time of Reckoning and we have nothing.............That indeed would be the greatest lost.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
The Parable of an Ant
It's amazing what memories an infestation of ants in the kitchen can trigger. For those who hear the word Ants and squeal 'Eeewwwww' don't worry i have got rid of them for now, (a more permanet measure is being looked into), as a very dear friend thoughtfully made a trip to Tesco and bought me an Ant killer spray. Really sometimes it's such acts of kindness that reminds you why they're from the best of the best! She's one of them that just surprises you and that's why its all the more special. Yeh i know it's only an Ant spray..........JazakAllah Khayr Saabirah.
Enough, this post is not supposed to be about friendship, well i guess it is kinda. Well i'll let you decide.
Anyway the memory i am referring to at the top of my post is a story i once made up back in my Teens. I was probably 18/19yr. It was a bed time story for my little sister (but she is actually taller than me, nearly 18yr now, masha'Allah). I've been told my bedtime stories don't actually put people to sleep, it keeps them awake to find out what happens next and puts them in deep thinking mode. So don't ask me to put your kids to sleep!
Back to the story........titled
(some modern adaptions maybe made, hey it's upto me, it's my story!)
The Whole Journey
The sun is scorching and it's that time of the year again. Ant Migration. The whole colony move to another area in search for food. Nobody would believe this was the life of ants. In the commercial world they are a nuisance and only worthy of being squished and ultimately face death by spray. But then if you enter the world of cars and human traffic then you do so at your own risk, as they are less tolerant than most creatures. Many ants are just comfortable with the sandy plains and natural surroundings of green fields and rich moist soil.
As they all pack their belongings, taking as much or as little they have they prepare to make what will be their most important journey for the year. It will be their place of dwelling, a place to rear their young ones, a place to maybe grow old in and for some their place of burial. But this move is not just a migration it is an escape......
Every year the Big Bodies locate the homes of the ants and devour them for their breakfast, lunch, evening meal and they have a midnight party every other night. So in actual fact there is no place safe from harm for the ants, except for those who survive through the migration.
Most of them are ready now and will march forth in the burning heat, each to their own. With their bundles on their back they make their inevitable journey. The more strong ants in front line, the mothers behind their little ones ushering them along and the weak ants, if they make it, crawl behind them all. Each to their own.
This year; one Ant in particular is falling behind. He has experienced many a migration, therefore very familiar to this procedure. However due to age and weakness, as he has had much to bear since losing many loved ones along the way, his strength is beginning to cave in mind and body. His bundle is larger than most, he has many more memories to carry, more sentiments packed up and out of his kindeness he packs more material goods than he needs to in order to share with his fellow ants once they are all safe in the wilderness. Generosity comes at a price.
He pushes along, panting and drawing his breath to keep the rythm going. He has to stop to put down his load and then to hoist it back up again. This slows him down further, but if he didn't take this ritual rest then he would surely collapse. He looks around him, all the other ants scurrying past him, not taking a second glance at him. He realises he does have the largest bundle. Everyone packs light, no wonder, when they reside in the place of migration, they fight amongst each other for food and shelter. They don't prepare properly before hand. He looks on sadly and almost despairs, he almost thinks 'why bother, am i even going to make it?' But despite his negativity it is not in his nature to give in to such thoughts. He must go on, make it worth the while. He hopes to join his deceased ones and make them proud that he was able to survive using his strongest instincts, because not one of them gave into weakness or torture. They died an honourable death and he too would reach their ranks.
Shall i ask, he thinks to himself, shall i ask for their help. Maybe, just maybe one of them will help me, if they could just take one package off me, i could move a littler faster and i would be their right hand ant for life. He braves it and calls out to one who appears strong and quick on his legs. 'Excuse me, excuse me,' he attempts timidly. The ant turns around and says with great annoyance 'Do you think I am in a position to excuse anyone?' With that he takes off even faster. Still wanting to think good of his fellow ants he asks another. This time they are ants in a group, maybe they will help him, he calls out to them. To his dismay they scorn him. They snigger and make fun of him, blaming him for carrying a heavy load. He feels ashamed and decides not to ask anyone else for help. He continues on lagging behind and alone.
Long periods of time has gone by and the ant is hoping the journey is nearing its end. Suddenly, he hears a commotion just a little ahead of him. He hears frightened exclaims and gasps. Other ants race forward to see what the problem is, but still the cries continue. Afraid that his ant community is in danger he tries his best to speed up. As he approaches closer, there are only a few ants left surrounding the area but not moving any further. He looks at them searching for an answer but then he himself finds himself falling directly into what seems to be the problem. It was a trap set by the Big Bodies. They dug a hole into the gound, which normally isn't a problem, since ants are the inventers of holes in the ground. Unfortunately, this hole is not an ordinary hole. It is lunchtime and at the bottom of the hole are open hungry mouths, ready to crunch whatever the Big Bodies find first. Not distinguishing one ant from another, equality is their best policy.
The Ant finds himself just above the hole and accepts his fate, and prays that the Big Bodies are food poisioned by him. He waits for death to end his prayer, but he realises he is still praying because he is still alive! What is going on? He looks up, he is still hovering above the hole. e could feels the sides burning him, but he was happy to still alive! And then it dawns on him. His saviour is none other than his heavy load on his back. It had prevented him from falling through. The hole is not wide enough for him and his load to get through. It is bridging the gap of the hole. Despite the danger below him, he becomes very excited and calls out to the surviving ants above ' Use my load as a bridge, walk across, you won't fall in!' The panic around them subsides at his suggestion, they look at each other dubiously, but then they know they have no other choice. They begin to form a line and march across. As the last one crosses over, they help pull The Ant up, bundle load included. The greedy Big Bodies were too busy chomping they hadn't even noticed their evening meal had not fallen into their trap.
The remaining ants stood around silently not knowing what to say, their heads down. The ant could feel their remorse, he knew and in response he smiled at them to let them know it's ok. They gave a sigh of relief and moved towards him to express their gratitude. They gathered around him and moved together as one, lifting The Ant up on to their backs as you do with a true hero. As representatives of a true ant colony they continue their journey of migration.
Enough, this post is not supposed to be about friendship, well i guess it is kinda. Well i'll let you decide.
Anyway the memory i am referring to at the top of my post is a story i once made up back in my Teens. I was probably 18/19yr. It was a bed time story for my little sister (but she is actually taller than me, nearly 18yr now, masha'Allah). I've been told my bedtime stories don't actually put people to sleep, it keeps them awake to find out what happens next and puts them in deep thinking mode. So don't ask me to put your kids to sleep!
Back to the story........titled
(some modern adaptions maybe made, hey it's upto me, it's my story!)
The Whole Journey
The sun is scorching and it's that time of the year again. Ant Migration. The whole colony move to another area in search for food. Nobody would believe this was the life of ants. In the commercial world they are a nuisance and only worthy of being squished and ultimately face death by spray. But then if you enter the world of cars and human traffic then you do so at your own risk, as they are less tolerant than most creatures. Many ants are just comfortable with the sandy plains and natural surroundings of green fields and rich moist soil.
As they all pack their belongings, taking as much or as little they have they prepare to make what will be their most important journey for the year. It will be their place of dwelling, a place to rear their young ones, a place to maybe grow old in and for some their place of burial. But this move is not just a migration it is an escape......
Every year the Big Bodies locate the homes of the ants and devour them for their breakfast, lunch, evening meal and they have a midnight party every other night. So in actual fact there is no place safe from harm for the ants, except for those who survive through the migration.
Most of them are ready now and will march forth in the burning heat, each to their own. With their bundles on their back they make their inevitable journey. The more strong ants in front line, the mothers behind their little ones ushering them along and the weak ants, if they make it, crawl behind them all. Each to their own.
This year; one Ant in particular is falling behind. He has experienced many a migration, therefore very familiar to this procedure. However due to age and weakness, as he has had much to bear since losing many loved ones along the way, his strength is beginning to cave in mind and body. His bundle is larger than most, he has many more memories to carry, more sentiments packed up and out of his kindeness he packs more material goods than he needs to in order to share with his fellow ants once they are all safe in the wilderness. Generosity comes at a price.
He pushes along, panting and drawing his breath to keep the rythm going. He has to stop to put down his load and then to hoist it back up again. This slows him down further, but if he didn't take this ritual rest then he would surely collapse. He looks around him, all the other ants scurrying past him, not taking a second glance at him. He realises he does have the largest bundle. Everyone packs light, no wonder, when they reside in the place of migration, they fight amongst each other for food and shelter. They don't prepare properly before hand. He looks on sadly and almost despairs, he almost thinks 'why bother, am i even going to make it?' But despite his negativity it is not in his nature to give in to such thoughts. He must go on, make it worth the while. He hopes to join his deceased ones and make them proud that he was able to survive using his strongest instincts, because not one of them gave into weakness or torture. They died an honourable death and he too would reach their ranks.
Shall i ask, he thinks to himself, shall i ask for their help. Maybe, just maybe one of them will help me, if they could just take one package off me, i could move a littler faster and i would be their right hand ant for life. He braves it and calls out to one who appears strong and quick on his legs. 'Excuse me, excuse me,' he attempts timidly. The ant turns around and says with great annoyance 'Do you think I am in a position to excuse anyone?' With that he takes off even faster. Still wanting to think good of his fellow ants he asks another. This time they are ants in a group, maybe they will help him, he calls out to them. To his dismay they scorn him. They snigger and make fun of him, blaming him for carrying a heavy load. He feels ashamed and decides not to ask anyone else for help. He continues on lagging behind and alone.
Long periods of time has gone by and the ant is hoping the journey is nearing its end. Suddenly, he hears a commotion just a little ahead of him. He hears frightened exclaims and gasps. Other ants race forward to see what the problem is, but still the cries continue. Afraid that his ant community is in danger he tries his best to speed up. As he approaches closer, there are only a few ants left surrounding the area but not moving any further. He looks at them searching for an answer but then he himself finds himself falling directly into what seems to be the problem. It was a trap set by the Big Bodies. They dug a hole into the gound, which normally isn't a problem, since ants are the inventers of holes in the ground. Unfortunately, this hole is not an ordinary hole. It is lunchtime and at the bottom of the hole are open hungry mouths, ready to crunch whatever the Big Bodies find first. Not distinguishing one ant from another, equality is their best policy.
The Ant finds himself just above the hole and accepts his fate, and prays that the Big Bodies are food poisioned by him. He waits for death to end his prayer, but he realises he is still praying because he is still alive! What is going on? He looks up, he is still hovering above the hole. e could feels the sides burning him, but he was happy to still alive! And then it dawns on him. His saviour is none other than his heavy load on his back. It had prevented him from falling through. The hole is not wide enough for him and his load to get through. It is bridging the gap of the hole. Despite the danger below him, he becomes very excited and calls out to the surviving ants above ' Use my load as a bridge, walk across, you won't fall in!' The panic around them subsides at his suggestion, they look at each other dubiously, but then they know they have no other choice. They begin to form a line and march across. As the last one crosses over, they help pull The Ant up, bundle load included. The greedy Big Bodies were too busy chomping they hadn't even noticed their evening meal had not fallen into their trap.
The remaining ants stood around silently not knowing what to say, their heads down. The ant could feel their remorse, he knew and in response he smiled at them to let them know it's ok. They gave a sigh of relief and moved towards him to express their gratitude. They gathered around him and moved together as one, lifting The Ant up on to their backs as you do with a true hero. As representatives of a true ant colony they continue their journey of migration.
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